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Let's do better! You have to link your Harris Teeter VIC Account to contribute to Orange Grove every year,
don't worry we will remind you! 

Step 1: Link your VIC Card

Any VIC member can link their card to a school. More linked VIC cards mean higher earning potential.

LINK YOUR VIC CARD online OR at checkout tell your cashier your 4 digit Orange Grove Code: 2744

Step 2: Sign up for a Free HT Plus membership (optional)

Sign Up Here (optional)

For the entirety of the 2024-2025 school year schools will earn $10 for every HT Plus membership or trial membership sign-up or existing membership. To qualify, customers will need to link their VIC card as well as sign up for a free 30-day trial membership or a paid membership of HT Plus or have an existing account. Once those steps are complete, the system will allocate $10 to their TIE school of choice. If customers are linked to multiple schools, the $10 will be divided equally between the schools. Schools will not earn funds on any in-store purchases for the 2024-2025 school year. Schools will receive one check at the end of the year. 

As in previous years, parents, friends and family members must re-link each year in August to ensure their continued support for their child's school. Customers can link their VIC card on the Harris Teeter website or app, or simply ask a cashier to link their school at checkout using the school’s 4-digit code. The more parents and friends who link their VIC card and sign up for a free 30-daytrial membership, or a paid membership, or have an existing HT Plus account, the more money the school will earn. THANK YOU!!